Murano Glass Technique
How we work the Murano Glass and the Murrina
Construction of a beads, in gold leaf, with the lampworking technique.
The Murano glass, thanks its beauty, ductility and smoothness, is suitable to a lot artistic manufactures, at present there are three different techniques :

Loading of the glass (cotizzo) 100% pure and realized only with natural materials, in the our Furnace, which will serve as the Master Glassmaker to create, Vases, Plates, Frames, Sculpture ......
Murrina’s Glass - Glass Sheet technique - Lampwork technique
Murrina Glass Technique :
The manufacturing of Murrina’s Glass is the most laborious and longer of the three techniques ;
Murrina rods are cut in small pieces ( millefiori beads ) and then placed into a copper frame, like a mosaic, of different shapes and colours ;
this composition is made by hand, putting into the frame every single piece of Murrina so to create the shape or the design desired .
This manufacturing cannot be made from everybody, the artisan who makes this needs to have a lot of patience and imagination, in order to be able to create always new patterns and combine the vast range of colours that born from Murrina’s Glass .
The following step is to put the frames into the glass oven in special containers, for a whole night, where the glass begins to melt increasing its thickness .
After this, the glasses are always ground and cleaned manually piece by piece for an hour long manufacturing each piece .
This needs to be made in order to adapt it for all different sizes of our watches, pendants, key rings, glass stoppers, frames and other jewellery.


Glass Sheet Technique :
The manufacturing of the glass slab is the most recent and modern as technique ;
after having putted a glass slab of Murano on a table, different looses materials are sheded over it, such as Murrina’s Glass, gold and silver foils and mall pieces of coloured glass .
This manufacturing requires a lot of hours and imagination in order to create always new colours and different patterns .
After this, another Murano Glass slab of different colour, is putted over, like a sandwich, and baked again for one night in a big oven .
The glass will be then ready to be cut in different moulds and objects exclusively handmade .
This sort of glass is indicated to make plates, frames, jewellery, key rings, pendants and other objects.
Lampwork Technique :
It’s the manufacture most ancient and known in Murano’s island, it’s made melting each other different types of glass creating continually new shapes and colours combinations .
To be able to work the glass, the master glass-maker uses a gas flame all the day lighted, that reaches very high temperatures ; this allows him to create continually new coloured moulds and sizes .
To make this kind of manufacturing, the artisan uses a transparent glass rod, or coloured, melting each other different materials, such as Murrina’s glass, gold, silver and other precious materials .
This is the most difficult technique, as handing down from father to son since hundreds of years and it’s not easy to find young people who want continue this workmanship, as it requires a lot of patience, imagination and precision .
This kind of manufacture is particulary indicated.

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